+255 22 210 0100

Values & Principles

The TTCL’s day to day activities are guided by a set of values and principles which define a corporate culture and inform the actions of its employees by identifying what is most important in how things are done within the organization. TTCL values and principles will be understood and practiced by all employees and will be demonstrated to all stakeholders in everything the employees do.


Honesty, Integrity, and Mutual Respect. These will be at the core of all employee behavior.


Teamwork, Open honest communications, Common Objectives; Active participation and ownership of customer solutions; Demonstrate the values and principles; and Excellence in everything we do.

  • Working as a team, will allow TTCL employees achieve personal and corporate objectives and take pride in TTCL’s success and will resolve any misalignment of personal or departmental objectives.
  • Open honest communications will create an atmosphere of trust and common purpose.
  • TTCL employees will work toward corporate objectives. Their personal and departmental objectives will be aligned to corporate goals.
  • All TTCL employees have customers, external and internal. TTCL employees will understand their customer needs and actively participate in the development of solutions to those needs. TTCL employees will not stop until their customer expectations have been met.
  • TTCL employees will demonstrate the values and principles in their work environment. Their peers and their customers will recognize the value and principle driven work ethic.
  • Excellence - We believe TTCL will achieve ongoing success through a concentrated effort on excellence in whatever they do.